Monday, August 13, 2012



Unknown said...

please teach me your way how to practice wicca in my Country,i love every thing about you but how should i get the powers to manifest in me?
please help me do it because now i feel it's part of me.
+256784999373 Amen

Unknown said...

i wish to know more about wicca, it interests me so much. please and thank you.

hope said...

hi first let me say i am a Christian believer but i do like your way of family are healers we harm none i am a nurse and love my job. i find it fulfilling to heal the sick. we are of Indian decent cheroke if im not mistaken. as I've got older i know things before it happens which is very scary to me at times. i would like some input to know exactly what is happening to me.

hope said...

hi first let me say i am a Christian believer but i do like your way of family are healers we harm none i am a nurse and love my job. i find it fulfilling to heal the sick. we are of Indian decent cheroke if im not mistaken. as I've got older i know things before it happens which is very scary to me at times. i would like some input to know exactly what is happening to me.

scottybear said...

To Hope I am of Cherokee descent somewhat as the Scots married into the Cherokees that hid in the Carolina mountains after that A@@ hole andrew jackson ran them west. Be proud of your heritage The Cherokee specifically George Gist was the first native american to understand the English language and say according to your constitution we have rights to these lands but Jackson did not get the (gist) of what he was saying and brought about the Cherokee trail of tears. Nevertheless Cherokee people will return. I love you and I wish you many blessings. Today I am blessed to have the knowledge and the wherewithal to write on this blog. So to quote my native american friends "Today is a good day to die"