Wednesday, May 25, 2016
cui bono
Once again a handful of self-appointed pagans are criticizing The Witch's Bible and its daughter book Good Witch's Bible for "encouraging illegal behavior". This short article will give those who don't know it a precise résumé of what has happened and is happening.
When The Witch's Bible was published in 1972, it was greeted with both wild approval and disapproval. The disapproving group, was led by one Herman Slater of the Warlock Shop in New York City. We all know that warlock means traitor and Slater was indeed a traitor to the Craft. Nevertheless Slater convinced Carl Weschcke of Llewellyn Publications that he should put the Frosts on trial for writing such an inflammatory book. Carl had one of his assistants, Vicki Zastrow, review the book.
We met with Vicki and Carl in Minneapolis in 1974 to review the situation. Apparently the main complaint was the definitive article in the title: The. We Frosts agreed to change the title of The Witch's Bible to Good Witch's Bible. In addition, in discussion with Vicki we agreed to write forewords for the various chapters of the book. This was done, and Good Witch's Bible was published in 1993. The trial in Minneapolis went ahead; but since the Frosts had arrived with a large contingent of supporters and Slater had only three (3), it was canceled; instead a Witch from Arkansas, Eli, was tried in absentia. We were never able to ascertain the nature of his crime(s). The positive outcome of the aborted trial was a second Witchmeet in Minneapolis. Here agreement was reached on the definition of a Witch, mainly written by Isaac Bonewits but agreed to without dissent by all present. It was at this Witchmeet that Morning Glory and Otter/Oberon Zell became friends.
In 1985 the original book was used by Federal Judge Butner in Dettmer v Landon to determine that Wicca was a legitimate religion worthy of Federal recognition. Further, on May 19, 2016 the quiz show Jeopardy mentioned that specific decision in a question.
Thus the book that has been so much criticized is one of the foundation documents of the religion of Wicca. Rewriting the document would inevitably have led to a reevaluation of the religious status of Wicca; hence the forewords were inserted rather than rewriting the whole book.
The most controversial part of the book seems to revolve around initiation. In the foreword to Chapter 4 is the clear statement in English:
No formal initiation into a group that practices
the great rite should be done before the candidate
attains the age of eighteen [18].
Thus the accusation of pedophilia and child molestation falls down. Nevertheless people continue to question the wording of that chapter. Since the foreword was in place, it seemed unnecessary to us to make changes in the body of the chapter; however, on the advice of Craft friends, in July 2014 we changed two (2) words on Page 64 to clarify further that no one under the age of eighteen (18) years should be involved in sexual initiations in the coven setting.
The revised edition has been available for more than a year; yet only six (6) copies have ever been sold. Such is the fervor of Frost accusers: a lot of heat with very little light. To us it is clear that the accusers have not bothered to read the relevant material and are working from hearsay with smoke and feathers and salacious imaginings.
The whole question of the introduction of children to the Craft seems to be controversial. In our own family and in other families with children who have made no secret of their alliance with the Craft, the children have been able to live a healthy and healthful life without being accused of being the children of devils.
Perhaps we should have talked about puberty rites in Chapter 4 rather than about initiation. Girls especially, when they start menstruating, should be honestly told of their change of status and be welcomed into their adult life. We are most happy to have attended puberty rites recently for several girls in our covens.
When The Witch's Bible was written, there was no other book which would guide people into the religion of Wicca: the Craft as spiritual path. There were several books on Witchcraft but none were definitive guidebooks. They talked about the history of the Craft and about its present resurgence; about magical procedures (not distinguishing clearly between magic and spirituality), and assorted activities at all levels of expertise. Notable among such authors, of course, were Margaret Murray, Gerald Gardner, and Raymond Buckland; however, none of their books could be used to enlighten those who were interested in exploring the religion of Wicca.
Those who criticize The Witch's Bible and its daughter Good Witch's Bible should write their own guides--remembering that they cannot stray far from The Witch's Bible without creating a new religion. From that point they will find it necessary to move ahead and get federal recognition for their new religion. Once they have completed this task, we will be happy to welcome them into the ranks of pagan religions.
In closing we should point out that accusing us of pedophilia, or of condoning pedophilia, is libel; if it is seriously meant we will see the accusers in court.
If it harm none, do what you will. - Gavin and Yvonne
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Given what we now know about the insertion of government or policing agents into various minority communities for the purpose disempowering the group or the leadership of that group, we need to stop and consider the actions of those who choose to attack those who are making a difference.
Anyone who does not understand or believe this can be done needs to review the interview with Darthard Perry, an Ex-informer for the FBI, who outlines very clearly his role in taking down the civil rights movement. It can and has been done within the Wiccan and Pagan community, as many of us are considered a threat due to our views on religious rights, and ecology.
It is all too easy to pay someone to make trouble. As a community, we need to be aware of how we are being manipulated, who is behind it, and why the manipulation is taking place. Until we can use logic rather than emotion to respond to these challenges, we will always be in danger of another Burning Times.
Good luck with your blog!
Happy to read your blog.. keep up the good work !!
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